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Excel Update History

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This is a history of Microsoft Office and its versions. Excel 2004 latest update 11.6.6: January 15, 2008 Office 2008 (12.0) Entourage, Word, PowerPoint, Excel 2008 the first release that runs natively on both PPC and Intel without the use of the Rosetta emulation layer, latest update. Macbook air storage capacity. If you have Give me updates for other Microsoft products when I update Windows checked in your Windows Update settings, then Windows Update will automatically install your Office 2016 updates when available. You can also manually check for Office 2016 or Office 2019 updates at any time unless automatic Office updates are disabled. Does Excel keep a history of changes made to a document apart from the 'Track Changes' function? I have a file where I would like to see when changes were made and by whom.

  • The following tables provide the update history for the volume licensed version of Office 2019, as well as the retail versions of Office 2016 C2R and Office 2019, with the most recent release date listed first. New versions contain all the updates contained in previous versions.
  • Rather than go out to the Internet with every recalc, Excel will only updated the data from these Linked Data Types when you choose Refresh. One easy way to update the stock prices is to use the Refresh All icon on the Data tab.

How long have you been using Microsoft Excel?

Have you ever thought how Excel or the other electronic spreadsheet softwares came to existence?

In today's post, we will go back in time to trace the origin of Excel. So, here we go:


While the origin of electronic spreadsheets can be traced back to 1978, but it wasn't until 1982 when Microsoft jumped into the arena of Electronic spreadsheets with a product known as MultiPlan.

Purchase powerpoint 2016. Muliplan was Microsoft's first electronic spreadsheet program. It was introduced in 1982 as a competitor for VisiCalc (the first ever electronic spreadsheet program). The key difference between Multiplan and its competitors was Microsoft's decision to use R1C1 addressing instead of the A1 addressing which was introduced by VisiCalc.

Muliplan was very popular on CP/M systems, but on MS-DOS systems it lost fame to Lotus 1-2-3. This thing motivated Microsoft to develop another spreadsheet product Excel.The first version of Excel was released in 1985 for Mac. Later in November 1987, the first Windows version was released.

It all started with VisiCalc:

In 1978, Harvard Business School student Dan Bricklin developed a program called VisiCalc. It was a relatively small program with few basic capabilities. It could only calculate data within a matrix of 5 columns by 20 rows.
To make VisiCalc more powerful Bricklin hired Bob Frankston, who is also known as the co-creator of VisiCalc. Frankston made the program fast and with better arithmetic. VisiCalc was an instant success and the duo were able to sell around 1 million copies of the program.

Note: You can still download an original copy of Visicalc from Dan Bricklin's website: [size: 27 K]

What followed VisiCalc?

After the phenomenal success of VisiCalc, a team headed by Mitch Kapor in 1983, developed a new spreadsheet program called Lotus 1-2-3. Mitch and his team power packed Lotus 1-2-3 with charting, graphing and rudimentary database capabilities along with the basic arithmetic. This made Lotus 1-2-3 a new favourite in the industry.

Although, before this in 1982 Microsoft had already launched Muliplan but it was outshined by Lotus 1-2-3. And this thing provoked Microsoft to come up with Microsoft Excel and rest is history.

The Infographic on History of Microsoft Excel:

This infographic takes a closer look at the history of Excel, circa 1978-2013.


Microsoft releases security and quality updates for the Click-To-Run (C2R) version of Office 2016 and for Office 2019, which is exclusively C2R. These updates are released approximately once a month, usually on the second Tuesday of the month.

If you'd like to verify that you're up to date, check your Office version number and manually update Office if necessary. To check your version of Office, do the following:

Version History Excel

  1. Open any Office application, such as Word or Excel.
  2. Choose File > Account.
  3. Under Product Information, note the version number under the About section.

If the version number matches the most current version, you're up to date. If not, you can manually update to get the latest version of Office. To update Office, follow these steps.

The following tables provide the update history for the volume licensed version of Office 2019, as well as the retail versions of Office 2016 C2R and Office 2019, with the most recent release date listed first.

New versions contain all the updates contained in previous versions.


  • Starting on August 11, 2020, the security updates (CVE articles) for Office 2016 and 2019 are listed on the security update page, instead of this page. 
  • Office 2016 and 2019 are supported under the Fixed Lifecycle Policy. Only the most recent volume licensed and retail releases listed below are supported.

Volume licensed versions of Office 2019

The following information applies to volume licensed versions of Office 2019, such as Office Professional Plus 2019, purchased through a volume licensing agreement.

The History Of Microsoft Excel

Release dateVersion number
December 8, 2020Version 1808 (Build 10369.20032)
November 10, 2020Version 1808 (Build 10368.20035)
October 13, 2020Version 1808 (Build 10367.20048)
September 8, 2020Version 1808 (Build 10366.20016)
August 11, 2020Version 1808 (Build 10364.20059)
July 14, 2020Version 1808 (Build 10363.20015)

Update Excel Free

Older Versions
Release dateVersion number
June 9, 2020Version 1808 (Build 10361.20002)
May 12, 2020Version 1808 (Build 10359.20023)
April 14, 2020Version 1808 (Build 10358.20061)
March 10, 2020Version 1808 (Build 10357.20081)
February 11, 2020Version 1808 (Build 10356.20006)

Retail versions of Office 2016 C2R and Office 2019

The following information applies to retail versions of Office 2016 C2R and Office 2019, which share the same release dates and version numbers.

Release dateVersion number
January 5, 2021Version 2012 (Build 13530.20316)
December 21, 2020Version 2011 (Build 13426.20404)
December 8, 2020Version 2011 (Build 13426.20332)
December 2, 2020Version 2011 (Build 13426.20308)
November 30, 2020Version 2011 (Build 13426.20294)
November 23, 2020Version 2011 (Build 13426.20274)
Older Versions
Release dateVersion number
November 17, 2020Version 2010 (Build 13328.20408)
November 10, 2020Version 2010 (Build 13328.20356)
October 27, 2020Version 2010 (Build 13328.20292)
October 21, 2020Version 2009 (Build 13231.20418)
October 13, 2020Version 2009 (Build 13231.20390)
October 8, 2020Version 2009 (Build 13231.20368)
September 28, 2020Version 2009 (Build 13231.20262)
September 22, 2020Version 2008 (Build 13127.20508)
September 9, 2020Version 2008 (Build 13127.20408)
August 31, 2020Version 2008 (Build 13127.20296)
August 25, 2020Version 2007 (Build 13029.20460)
August 11, 2020Version 2007 (Build 13029.20344)
July 30, 2020Version 2007 (Build 13029.20308)
July 28, 2020Version 2006 (Build 13001.20498)
July 14, 2020Version 2006 (Build 13001.20384)
June 30, 2020Version 2006 (Build 13001.20266)
June 24, 2020Version 2005 (Build 12827.20470)
June 9, 2020Version 2005 (Build 12827.20336)
June 2, 2020Version 2005 (Build 12827.20268)
May 21, 2020Version 2004 (Build 12730.20352)
May 12, 2020Version 2004 (Build 12730.20270)
May 4, 2020Version 2004 (Build 12730.20250)
April 29, 2020Version 2004 (Build 12730.20236)
April 15, 2020Version 2003 (Build 12624.20466)
April 14, 2020Version 2003 (Build 12624.20442)
March 31, 2020Version 2003 (Build 12624.20382)
March 25, 2020Version 2003 (Build 12624.20320)
March 10, 2020Version 2002 (Build 12527.20278)
March 1, 2020Version 2002 (Build 12527.20242)

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